
Класс Колода
[AoO] Galakrond Control Shaman 12600 07.04.2020
[Outland] Libram OTK 7040 07.04.2020
Aggro Secret Mage (Wild) 3480 07.04.2020
Ashes of Outland Highlander Mage theorycraft 18760 07.04.2020
[AoO] Midrange Beast Hunter 6960 07.04.2020
Ashes of Outland Malygos Druid theorycraft 6120 07.04.2020
[AoO] Embiggen Druid 9160 07.04.2020
Hunter Deck #9112 1400 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9111 3720 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9110 6120 07.04.2020
Secret Highlander Hunter #9109 14800 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9108 5620 07.04.2020
Highlander Hunter #9107 16380 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9106 7240 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9105 4520 07.04.2020
Face Hunter #9104 1880 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9103 4120 07.04.2020
Highlander Hunter #9102 16460 07.04.2020
Dragon Hunter #9101 7600 07.04.2020
Highlander Hunter #9100 16140 07.04.2020