Класс | Колода | ||
Big Druid #11048 | 4680 | 15.05.2020 | |
Zoo Warlock #11048 | 2000 | 15.05.2020 | |
OTK Demon Hunter #11048 | 9920 | 15.05.2020 | |
Galakrond Priest #11047 | 12140 | 15.05.2020 | |
Malylock | 12680 | 15.05.2020 | |
Secret Shuffle Rogue | 7480 | 15.05.2020 | |
oneshotonekill | 1800 | 15.05.2020 | |
BurstHunter | 5600 | 15.05.2020 | |
SpElLy | 2760 | 15.05.2020 | |
Highlander Mage – #77 Legend (LiquidOx) – Outland | 17740 | 14.05.2020 | |
Highlander Hunter – #78 Legend (Invictus) – Ashes of Outland | 13300 | 14.05.2020 | |
Murloc Shaman Ashes of Outland | 6860 | 14.05.2020 | |
Heroic snowball | 1080 | 14.05.2020 | |
Wild Murloc Madness Ashes of Outland | 8740 | 14.05.2020 | |
Quest Libram | 9380 | 14.05.2020 | |
freezing box mage | 11540 | 14.05.2020 | |
casino mage DogDog deck | 9980 | 14.05.2020 | |
73% Win Rate Burn Quest Mage | 8680 | 14.05.2020 | |
Combo Malygos Druid | 11520 | 14.05.2020 | |
Quest Druid #11026 | 9280 | 14.05.2020 |