
Класс Колода
Big Druid #11048 4680 15.05.2020
Zoo Warlock #11048 2000 15.05.2020
OTK Demon Hunter #11048 9920 15.05.2020
Galakrond Priest #11047 12140 15.05.2020
Malylock 12680 15.05.2020
Secret Shuffle Rogue 7480 15.05.2020
oneshotonekill 1800 15.05.2020
BurstHunter 5600 15.05.2020
SpElLy 2760 15.05.2020
Highlander Mage – #77 Legend (LiquidOx) – Outland 17740 14.05.2020
Highlander Hunter – #78 Legend (Invictus) – Ashes of Outland 13300 14.05.2020
Murloc Shaman Ashes of Outland 6860 14.05.2020
Heroic snowball 1080 14.05.2020
Wild Murloc Madness Ashes of Outland 8740 14.05.2020
Quest Libram 9380 14.05.2020
freezing box mage 11540 14.05.2020
casino mage DogDog deck 9980 14.05.2020
73% Win Rate Burn Quest Mage 8680 14.05.2020
Combo Malygos Druid 11520 14.05.2020
Quest Druid #11026 9280 14.05.2020