
Класс Колода
Pure Paladin #11091 6520 17.05.2020
Bombs 13320 17.05.2020
N’Zoth Highlander Warrior by Evgeny 15220 17.05.2020
Galakrond and Lackeys, I guess 8560 17.05.2020
Totemistic Fury – Ashes of Outlands 3760 17.05.2020
Combo Dragon Priest 4520 17.05.2020
Sinister Decimation 5200 17.05.2020
Galakrond Priest – #8 Legend (GrJim) – Ashes of Outland 10980 16.05.2020
Highlander Hunter – #143 Legend (Misplay) – Ashes of Outland 12900 16.05.2020
Damaged warrior 5800 16.05.2020
Wild Discard Warlock 4800 16.05.2020
HIGHLANDER MILL ROGUE 18760 16.05.2020
Odd Rogue 10920 16.05.2020
Weird Deathrattle Combo Priest 10320 16.05.2020
Combo paladin 5380 16.05.2020
Highlander Dragon Murloc Paladin 12300 16.05.2020
Highlander Mage 17640 16.05.2020
Tempo Odd Mage 13080 16.05.2020
Reno Quest Mage 23600 16.05.2020
Face Hunter #11072 1860 16.05.2020