Класс | Колода | ||
Spell Druid #11172 | 6900 | 21.05.2020 | |
Pure Paladin #11169 | 6580 | 20.05.2020 | |
Face Hunter #11169 | 1960 | 20.05.2020 | |
Tempo Demon Hunter #11169 | 3720 | 20.05.2020 | |
Highlander Hunter – #44 Legend (Orange) – Outland 17.2.1 | 12860 | 20.05.2020 | |
Highlander Shaman – #80 Legend (Cantelope) – Outland 17.2.1 | 17680 | 20.05.2020 | |
Zoo Warlock #11165 | 1760 | 20.05.2020 | |
Face Hunter #11165 | 2020 | 20.05.2020 | |
Master Mage #Rank4 | 15740 | 20.05.2020 | |
Lucrece’s Embiggenlock | 3220 | 20.05.2020 | |
Spell Druid #11157 | 3820 | 20.05.2020 | |
Galakrond Warlock #11157 | 11240 | 20.05.2020 | |
Zoo Warlock #11157 | 1760 | 20.05.2020 | |
Highlander Demon Hunter #11157 | 11400 | 20.05.2020 | |
Tempo Demon Hunter #11157 | 3760 | 20.05.2020 | |
Face Hunter #11157 | 3820 | 20.05.2020 | |
Big Spell Mage #11155 | 7240 | 20.05.2020 | |
Malygos Druid #11155 | 6840 | 20.05.2020 | |
Deck of Legends Warlock | 48000 | 20.05.2020 | |
Highlander Libram Pally – Ashes of Outland – Season 74 | 11540 | 20.05.2020 |